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Weight Loss and Diabetes: Conditions that are affected by weight?

Weight Loss and Diabetes, and Conditions that are affected by weight?

The Major cause factor for coronary heart disease is Obesity. In Fact, Obesity is the second-leading risk of death.
Weight Loss and Diabetes
                 Weight Loss and Diabetes

Weight Loss and Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is on the rise around the world among young and old, rich and poor, men and women. The main reason for the rise in diabetes is the rise in weight gain and obesity.

Most diabetes is type 2 diabetes that is also sometimes known as adult-onset diabetes. It is chiefly related to weight gain and obesity. It used to be that type 2 diabetes became prevalent later in life after people had reached their 50s, 60s, and 70s, and had not only aged but also gained weight.

Today, type 2 diabetes is increasingly seen among young adults, and even children and adolescents who are severely overweight these consequences of diabetes are so severe.
Diabetes is often associated with elevated circulating blood glucose levels, but the disease is somewhat more complex than that. In type I diabetes, known as juvenile diabetes, the cells of the pancreas fail to produce the enzyme insulin that allows our bodies to process and metabolize nutrients, including sugars. The result is a sharp rise in the blood sugar level, or the circulating blood glucose level.

Weight loss With diabetes type 2

In diabetes type 2 or adult-onset diabetes, the picture is a little different. In this second and far more common form of the disease, which is usually associated with weight gain, the fat cells and other cells become resistant to the effects of insulin and other hormones that are important in processing nutrients, including sugars. The result is the same: circulating blood sugar levels rise. Over time both forms of this disease lead to severe damage to the blood vessels and nerves in the body. Blindness, heart disease, impaired circulation, amputations, and shortened life expectancy are the results of the progression of the disease.

To make matters worse, many of the medications used to treat diabetes also lead to further weight gain.
Weight loss is strongly associated with improvement in type 2 diabetes. Often, even modest weight loss such as a 10% reduction of body weight, results in significant improvement or even resolution of diabetes. The more severe or longstanding diabetes, the more difficult it may be to resolve. But nonetheless, just as weight gain and adding pounds adds to the prevalence and severity of diabetes, so too can weight loss reverse the disease.

Medically supervised weight loss is a tremendous tool in the battle against diabetes. The lower carbohydrates usually emphasized in medically supervised weight loss programs are especially helpful in reducing the circulating blood glucose and reducing the requirement on medications that promote weight gain. So, for most people with type 2 diabetes, the place to start is with a medically guided weight loss program that emphasizes exercise, reduced carbohydrate intake,  and a long-term plan toward behavior change and the use of appropriate protein and vitamin-based supplements.

Cholesterol and triglycerides are circulating forms of lipids within the bloodstream. Elevations of cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia) and elevated triglycerides (hypertriglyceridemia) together are known as hyperlipidemia. Elevations of these circulating lipids are associated with heart disease and plaque buildup on the arteries of the brain, kidneys, legs,  and heart.

Cholesterol and triglyceride levels are also strongly associated with weight gain and obesity. They represent an important way to measure the circulating lipids that play a role in the development of heart disease, strokes, kidney failure,  and other arterial diseases

So, what does it mean that the rate of diabetes is rising along with the rate of weight gain and obesity?

Does it really matter? I mean, what importance does it really bring?

Well, it turns out that diabetes itself is a very important and independent risk factor for a number of very serious health problems. The most important of these is probably cardiovascular disease as diabetes is independently associated with heart disease, heart attacks,  and strokes.

It does not stop there, however. Diabetes also has risk factors or is itself a risk factor for a number of other very serious adverse conditions and these would include arterial or atherosclerotic disease. This means the clogging of the arteries affecting not just the heart, but also all the other organs including the legs, all the extremities, the brain, the eyes, and as a result, all of these organs can be adversely affected in people who have diabetes. It is not uncommon for the arterial disease to progress to the point where people have serious infections of the toes and feet and most often  when one thinks of elderly people with amputations,  for example, this normally has stemmed from years of diabetes.

So, not to belabor this too much, but diabetes is a very, very important, and very pervasive disease in the population, and it is one that is growing right now at an alarming rate because of weight gain. So we really can connect the dots here quite clearly to a risk of serious health problems and a shortened life expectancy due to a disease that stems from weight gain. It is perhaps the most compelling case of a health problem that stems from the epidemic of weight gain.

Weight Loss and Cholesterol

A normal total cholesterol level is generally under 5 mmol/l , although there is increasing evidence that we should probably all be striving for a cholesterol level that is under 3 mmol/l the LDL is x 1.8 mmol/l and when the CRP is also reduced to x 2 mg/l

Because hyperlipidemia is so important in these diseases, it has been studied a great deal in the last several decades. There are now even more specific detailed breakdowns of the different types of cholesterol and triglycerides that circulate in the bloodstream. More sophisticated testing can be done to separate the "good" HDL cholesterol from the "bad" LDL cholesterol. Our bloodstream carries these lipids on certain carrier molecules or particles.

The size of the particles appears to be important in determining whether or not the lipids will in fact lead to strokes and heart attacks. For example, it is now known that HDL cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein cholesterol) exerts a favorable effect on our bodies generally, whereas LDL (low-density lipoprotein cholesterol) exerts a negative effect on our bodies and increases the risks of heart disease and stroke

Weight Loss and Triglycerides

Weight Loss and Triglycerides
Triglycerides in normal are less than 1.7 mmol/l. Triglycerides are a type of circulating lipid that consists of high energy fatty acids. Triglycerides provide energy for cells to function and serve as a way to store excess energy in fat cells. By eating more calories than your body burns, you increase the likelihood of high levels of triglycerides in the bloodstream.

Conditions that may cause high triglycerides:

Kidney disease
Eating more calories than you burn
Drinking alcohol
Medicines that may raise triglycerides

Birth control pills
How to Lower Cholesterol and Triglycerides

Lowering cholesterol and triglycerides is an important way to reduce the chances you may suffer from a heart attack, stroke, or other forms of atherosclerotic disease.
So what can you do? Well, for starters you can lose weight. It is very clear that weight loss in and of itself results in the breakdown of body fats and lipids and decreases the circulating cholesterol and triglycerides. It is very common for people to see lipid levels fall strikingly as they embark upon medically supervised weight loss.

The best ways to treat hyperlipidemia are:

Reduce calories
Exercise regularly
Medically-supervised weight loss such as slender Wonder
Reduce alcohol consumption
Medication to lower lipid levels
Weight Gain and Sleep Apnea
Sleep disturbance is an extremely common and troubling condition. More and more people experience difficulties falling asleep and sleeping restfully through the night. While there are many potential reasons for sleep disturbance, one of the most common and troubling sleep disturbances is weight gain.

Weight gain leads to an increase in the adipose tissue of all of the body, including soft tissues around the neck and oropharynx. In addition, weight gain leads to a larger mass of the trunk and abdomen which must move during ventilation or breathing. Together, these changes that occur with weight gain lead to a progressively worsening condition known as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

In obstructive sleep apnea, many people snore and make loud noises during their breathing. But worse, people with sleep apnea will intermittently stop breathing altogether, and these pauses or periods of time in which no breathing is occurring are called "apnea" episodes.

Obstructive sleep apnea and other sleep disturbances are on the rise. An increasing number of people who have experienced even moderate weight gain to the other aspects of life which can disturb sleep, stress, family responsibilities, anxiety social, depression, and much other life, health, psychological and social conditions.

Sleep disturbances are a serious problem because they interfere with the restfulness a person experiences. It is common for people to feel "tired all the time" because they are sleeping poorly. It makes life less enjoyable and it makes a person less effective in their work, and less successful in their social relationships.

Worse, these sleep disturbances are a serious health problem. Obstructive sleep apnea is associated with sudden death, arising from periods of apnea with a fall in blood oxygen level and cardiac arrhythmias. It is also associated with severe fatigue and automobile accidents that occur as a result of falling asleep at the wheel.

So sleep disturbances and obstructive sleep apnea are not conditions to be taken lightly. They are one of the most serious adverse effects of weight gain and obesity.

But there are excellent solutions. They begin with effective medically supervised weight loss such as Slender Wonder. Treatments often consist of adjustments of lifestyle and medications as well as the potential for psychological counseling. With obstructive sleep apnea, it may be necessary to use a type of positive airway pressure device, a nasal mask, or a face mask that provides air and oxygen supplementation with positive forced pressure. It takes some getting used to, but this type of treatment is very effective at successfully treating obstructive sleep apnea, especially in combination with weight loss.

There are many studies demonstrating the effectiveness of weight loss in achieving improvement in sleep disturbances and especially in obstructive sleep apnea. Medically-guided weight loss programs can play a critical role in treating these important problems. In some cases, weight loss surgery is warranted to treat sleep disturbances and obstructive sleep apnea.

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