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How to Train a Cat to Use Litter Box?

How to Train a Cat to Use Litter Box?

Cats are very independent living things. In fact, the researchers found the fact that although humans have kept cats for at least 9,000 years, home cats still belong to half-tame animals. Training cats can be difficult, as the trainer may have to convince the cat that the task being taught will be useful.
How to Train a Cat
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How to Train a Cat

However, with a little patience, and perseverance, you can train your cat to become a better pet in a variety of ways. it's better to train your cat from "childhood" by getting used to the things you want to teach

How to Train a Cat to Use to Litter Box/Toilet

1. Put the cat's sandbox in a quiet place. Cats prefer to urinate in places far away from noises or the location of many actions. However, cats also do not like to urinate in unreachable places.

Make sure your cat can physically access its litter box. Do not place the box on a high shelf or hard-to-reach area if it is old and difficult to jump or climb.

Avoid crowded or traffic-filled areas. Do not place dirt boxes next to washing machines or crowded corridors that people often cross. Cats want peace and privacy, but also comfort. 

Do not place the cat litter box in close proximity to the dining plate or its water, because can makes your cat not want to use it. 
2. Put the cat in its sandbox shortly after eating. You can also put it in the box as soon as it wakes up and plays because these moments are the times when cats most need to poop. Putting a cat in his litter box in the moments he needs to urinate, such as after eating or just waking up, can help remind him that he has to use the box every time he goes out. 

3. Keep the dirt box clean. Cats will not want to use dirty litter boxes and may choose to urinate all over the house.
Wear rubber gloves when handling cat feces, to reduce the risk of toxoplasmosis.
Clean dirt and piles of urine from the dirt box every day. Wash your hands thoroughly after you handle them, even if you're wearing gloves.
Do a thorough cleaning once a week. This includes removing the old dirt base, washing the box with a soft detergent, rinsing the soap thoroughly, cleaning the box thoroughly, and pouring a new layer of the fresh base. You can only add a base about five to seven centimeters thick when refilling the dirt box. 

4. Use a litter box that your cat will love. There are different types of litter boxes for cats, which are made from different types of materials. The most important factor is finding the box your cat wants to use. Most cats choose a box of feces that is unspoiled and clumpy. However, your cat may have different tastes, especially if it is adopted and becomes accustomed to something in the previous home. See what makes your cat respond and adjust well.
The most common types of feces are those of clay, clumps, crystals/silica gels, and biologically decomposable feces boxes. 
Replace the litter box gradually rather than at once, to minimize the sense of shock and confusion in the existing cat. Combine a little dirt base with the old dirt base every day, for three to five days. If you change the dirt mat gradually, the cat will not notice the difference. 
If your cat continues to urinate on potted plants, it may prefer to use soil rather than dirt mats. This can especially be a problem for cats accustomed to living outdoors. Try filling your litter box with plant soil and see if the cat will use it. 

5. Reward your cat if he uses a poop box. Praise him as soon as he wastes his time in the box. This will develop positive habits and teach him that the box is the right place for him to urinate. 

6. Don't legally cat if he urinates outside the litter box. Negative learning won't work, and it might even make your cat avoid the box. 

If the cat urinates outside the box, you should immediately wash the surface of the place with an enzyme-based cleanser that can neutralize the smell. If your cat can smell urine on the carpet, it may begin to connect the dots on the carpet with the habit of urinating.

If the cat passes the feces outside the box, take the feces (with a paper towel or gloves) and put them in the litter box. This will give instructions for your cat so that next time he uses a litter box. 

Try to make the wrong waste area less desirable for your cat. If the cat has a part of the house that is usually the location of the acuity instead of doing so in a box of feces, stretch the silver sheet or double tip at the location so that he does not urinate there.

7. Try training the cat by locking it up as a last resort. If the cat has a strong tendency to avoid litter boxes and no way of training them works, you can lock them in a room with a box of feces. He will probably understand that he has to use the box. 
This should only be used as a last resort when no other way works.
Do not lock brackets on small rooms for long periods of time. This was a cruel act
Make sure your cat has food, water, and bedding indoors, in addition to the poop box. Place the dirt box on the opposite side of the room to the place of food, water, and bed.
If he urinates on the floor, take the dirt and put it in his box so he can get the sign to get back to the right place. If your cat is happy to urinate on a substrate layer, such as soil or carpet, and refuses to use a box of feces, then insert the substrate in the box. If needed, buy a few layers off carpet pieces and place them in a box. Once the cat uses a box with a carpet in it, start sprinkling cat feces on the carpet so that it knows. Replace wet carpets with new carpets in the city

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