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List of Calories food: Nutritional and Diets

List of Calories food

Calories in different foods/beverages/alcohol
Ranked from low to high of Calories in fruit
Fruit Portion Calories
Starfruit 1/2 cup 16
Apricot 1/2 cup 17
Lemon, no peel 1/2 cup 17
Watermelon 1/2 cup 23
Strawberries 1/2 cup 26
Apple 1/2 cup 26
Papaya 1/2 cup 27
Cantaloup 1/2 cup 27
Plums 1/2 cup 30
Honeydew melon 1/2 cup 30
Quince 1/2 cup 30
Blackberries 1/2 cup 31
Raspberries 1/2 cup 32
Peach 1/2 cup 33
Pineapple 1/2 cup 37
Grapefruit, white 1/2 grapefruit 39
Apricots, dried 5 halves 42
Blueberries 1/2 cup 42
Cherries, sweet 10 cherries 43
Cherries, sour, canned 1/2 cup 44
Tangerine 1/2 cup 45
Kiwi 1/2 cup 46
Pear 1/2 cup 48
Pear, Asian 1/2 cup 51
Pomegranate 1/2 cup 52
Mango 1/2 cup 53
Peaches, canned, juice 1/2 cup 54
Grapes 1/2 cup 55
Fruit cocktail, juice 1/2 cup 55
Orange 1/2 cup 56
Apricots, canned, juice 1/2 cup 58
Nectarine 1/2 cup 60
Pears, canned, juice 1/2 cup 62
Banana 1/2 cup 67
Plums, canned, juice 1/2 cup 73
Pineapple, canned, juice 1/2 cup 74
Grapefruit, canned, sweetened 1/2 cup 76
Mandarin orange, canned, sweetened 1/2 cup 77
Apple, dried 5 rings 78
Peach, canned, syrup 1/2 cup 87
Plantains 1/2 cup 90
Fruit cocktail, syrup 1/2 cup 91
Figs, dried 2 figs 95
Pears, canned, syrup 1/2 cup 98
Pineapple, canned, syrup 1/2 cup 99
Apricots, canned, syrup 1/2 cup 107
Plums, canned, syrup 1/2 cup 115
Strawberries, frozen, sweetened 1/2 cup 122
Fruit, frozen, mixed 1/2 cup 123
Raspberries, frozen, sweetened 1/2 cup 129
Prunes 1/2 cup 132
Blueberries, sweetened 1/2 cup 193
Raisins 1/2 cup 217
Dates 1/2 cup 251

 Ranked  calories vegetables from low to high
Vegetables under 25 calories per portion
Vegetable Portion Calories
Chives, raw 1 tablespoon 1
Radish, raw 1 radish 1
Horseradish prepared 1 teaspoon 2
Jicama, raw 1 slice 3
Broccoli, raw 1 floweret 3
Cauliflower, raw 1 floweret 3
Pimento, canned 1 tablespoon 3
Cherry tomato, raw 1 piece 3
Baby carrot, raw 1 medium 4
Garlic, raw 1 clove 4
Seaweed, raw 2 tablespoons 4
Tomato, red, raw 1 slice 4
Tomato, sun-dried 1 piece 5
Celery, raw 1 stalk 6
Onion, raw 1 slice 6
Shallots 1 tablespoon 7
Spinach, raw 1 cup 7
Alfalfa sprouts 1 cup 8
Lettuce, green, raw 1 cup 8
Pickle, dill 1 pickle 8
Endive, raw 1 cup 9
Lettuce, romaine, raw 1 cup 10
Asparagus, cooked 4 spears 11
Mushroom, shiitake, raw 1 mushroom 11
Tomatillo, raw 1 medium 11
Cucumber, raw 1 cup 14
Mushrooms, white, raw 1 cup 15
Catsup 1 tablespoon 15
Onion, dehydrated flakes 1 tablespoon 17
Summer squash, raw 1 cup 18
Cabbage, raw, all 1 cup 20
Chinese cabbage, cooked 1 cup 20
Pickle relish, sweet 1 tablespoon 20
Mustard greens, cooked 1 cup 21
Beet, cooked 1 medium 22
Tomato, red, raw 1 medium 22
Pepper, green, raw 1 pepper 24

Calorie of  Vegetables under 50 calories per portion
Vegetable Portion Calories
Celery, cooked 1 cup 27
Cauliflower, cooked 1 cup 29
Pepper, green, raw 1 cup 30
Mung bean sprouts, raw 1 cup 31
Tomato, red, raw 1 cup 32
Turnips, cooked 1 cup 34
Okra, cooked 1 cup 35
Cabbage, cooked 1 cup 35
Dandelion greens, cooked 1 cup 35
Eggplant, cooked 1 cup 35
Summer squash, cooked 1 cup 36
Pepper, red sweet, raw 1 pepper 37
Green beans, cooked 1 cup 38
Beet greens, cooked 1 cup 39
Mushrooms, canned solids 1 cup 39
Carrots, raw 1 cup 45
Sauerkraut, canned 1 cup 45
Pepper, sweet red, raw 1 cup 46
Kohlrabi, cooked 1 cup 48
Turnip greens, cooked 1 cup 48
Collards, cooked 1 cup 49
Spinach, cooked 1 cup 49

Calories Vegetables under 100 calories per portion
Vegetable Portion Calories
Broccoli, cooked 1 cup 55
Carrots, cooked 1 cup 55
Tomato sauce, canned 1 cup 59
Artichoke 1 medium 64
Onion, raw 1 cup 64
Tomatoes, stewed 1 cup 66
Peas, edible-podded, cooked 1 cup 67
Water chestnuts, canned 1 cup 70
1 ear of Corn cooked white or yellow  83
Pumpkin, canned 1 cup 83
Onion, cooked 1 cup 92
Squash, butternut 1 cup 94
List of Calories food: Nutritional and Diets
List of Calories food: Nutritional and Diets/
Calories Vegetables under 600 calories per portionVegetable Portion Calories
Jerusalem artichoke, raw 1 cup 110
Mixed frozen vegetables, cooked 1 cup 118
Sweet potato, boiled 1 medium 119
Peas, green, cooked 1 cup 125
Potato, boiled 1 cup 134
Black-eyed peas, cooked 1 cup 160
1 cup of Corn, vacuum-packed  166
A Potato baked 1 medium 188
Mashed Potato flakes with water only 1 cup 204
Sweet potato, canned 1 cup 212
Tomato paste, canned 1 cup 215
Lima beans, cooked 1 cup 216
Lentils, cooked 1 cup 230
Beans, refried 1 cup 237
Beans, baked 1 cup 239
Beans, pinto, canned 1 cup 245
Soybeans, cooked 1 cup 298
Beans, white, canned 1 cup 299
Potato, hashed browns 1 cup 413
Potato, french fried 1 large order 539

Calories in alcohol :
Each gram of alcohol contains 7 calories, That's almost twice that of carbohydrates and protein. A light can of beer have 100 calories, a regular beer about 150, the same as a nondiet can of Coke or Pepsi. Mixed drinks are higher yet often 2-300 apiece!
For some people, eliminating alcohol from their diet is a quick and obvious way to reduce calories and weight. Remember, alcohol is high on calories and low on nutrition!
If drinks are important to you, you will need to work on keeping the amount under control. Pour small amounts, taste every bit of it calories should be tasted, not wasted, and be sure to only drink things that are really special to you. Don't drink something just because it was there. Don't drink out of habit.
One other factor to consider is the fact that alcohol is "disinhibiting". This means that when you drink, it' is easier to lose control overall. That will make it harder for you to resist making poor food choices and sticking with your resolve in that area as well.
Keep in mind that 4 ounces is half a cup.
Beverage Serving Size
(in oz.)
Beer or Ale 12 oz 140-160 calories
Beer, Light 12oz 100
Bloody Mary 5 oz 116
Bourbon and Soda 4oz 105
Brandy and Cognac 1 oz 65-80
Champagne 4 oz 90
Coffee Flavored Cream Liqueur 1.5oz 154
Cold Duck 4oz 120
Cordials and Liqueurs (34 to 72 proof) 1oz 102-125
Crème De Menthe 1.5oz 186
Daiquiri (with lime) 4oz 222
Distilled Spirits
Gin, vodka, rum, whiskey (80-100 proof) 1.5oz 95-124
Gin and tonic 7.5oz 171
Manhattan 2.5 oz 128
Martini 2.5oz 156
Pina Colada (canned) 4.5oz 346
Screwdriver 7oz 174
Sherry 3oz 125
Tequila Sunrise 5.5oz 89
Tom Collins 7.5oz 121
Vermouth, dry 1oz 32
Vermouth, sweet 1 45
Wine, dry white 4oz 79
Wine, red 4oz 85
Wine, dessert (sweet) 4oz 181
Wine, light 4 oz 52
Wine, nonalcoholic 6oz 60
Wine Cooler 12 oz 220

Nutritional and Diets

What is the best diet? How do I know if I am eating with the right Nutritional diet? These are questions that cannot always be generically answered. Usually, the best answer comes from an individualized approach, based on science. A medical weight loss solution seeks to help each person lose weight and maintain a healthy weight, and it all starts with diet and nutrition, of course. The science of weight loss has shown that losing weight is generally a process of significantly cutting calories, so as to create a "calorie deficit" or "energy deficit" on a day-to-day basis. This means that the body is expending, or burning, more calories than it is taking in with meals. Studies have shown that the desirable way to lose weight is to burn the fat or adipose tissue energy stores, and to preserve the muscle, or "lean body mass".

This challenging and rewarding goal can be accomplished with the right diet, eg Slender Wonder one emphasizing adequate protein and vitamins, and regular exercise. Depending on how much and how quickly you are seeking to lose weight and what supplements and lipotropic injections are prescribed, a program centered on 500to 650 calories daily may be recommended to begin.

A medical consultation of each individual to find the diet and induction program that is the best fit for you. Then there are regularly scheduled visits with an experienced weight loss doctor and other professionals, with the aim of providing you with all the tools you need to.

A fruit detox for three days is followed by a transition to real foods which offer a line of meals based on healthy weight maintenance which are both delicious and nutritious, without extra calories to set you back

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