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How To Train Dog to Not Pee in House

How To Train Dog to Not Pee in House

The new puppy doesn't know where to urinate properly until the owner trains him to urinate outdoors. Practicing outdoor urination is an important part of puppy care. With some basic knowledge of how to train your puppy, he will be able to master it in no time.

1. Providing the Right Environment for Your Puppy

Understand how your puppy views its environment. Puppies have no innate understanding of what is considered right and wrong by humans. But he can learn a lot of behavior. Puppies don't understand that urinating on your carpet is "wrong" behavior. For him, carpets are surfaces that he can use to urinate, just like grass outdoors. You have to teach your puppy a more appropriate choice.

2. Create a fun coincidence at first. Starting to train dogs will be much more useful than other steps. Often taking her out of the house will make her happen to urinate outside as well. In the end, he will begin to understand the behavior you want to instill while praising him for this pleasant coincidence. Even so, this step takes a lot of time and has to be done over and over again.

If you catch your puppy urinating in the house, stop the activity. Use commands that can stop it like, "get out!" Don't yell or scold him when giving orders. Just use this command to stop your puppy from urinating in the house.

Pick up your puppy and take it to a designated urination spot outside the house. After he has urinated in the right place, give him praise and/or gifts. [1] Be sure to use the same place outside the house every time he urinates. Carrying your puppy with its leash is a great way to keep it in a certain area.

3. Avoid punishing your puppy for its mistakes. Your puppy won't understand why you punished him. Scolding and physically punishing will only scare him. Often this makes your puppy urinate in a hidden location inside the house away from your supervision. [2] More serious behavioral problems compared to urinating in the home can occur when you are not using a positive way of training.

4. Understand the natural limitations of the bladder. The age of the puppy has an influence on its ability to be trained to urinate and the time lag between urination. Don't assume that a puppy's mistake while urinating is a sign that he is difficult to train. Compare that to a baby who is still learning to control his bladder. The guidelines are generally as follows:

Ages between 8 and 16 weeks are considered the primary socialization period for puppies. At this age, your puppy can only withstand urinating for about 2 hours. It is also the most appropriate time to train her to urinate outdoors.

At 16 weeks of age, a puppy can usually withstand urination for up to 4 hours. Before this age, her bladder was only able to hold about 2 hours before she had to urinate. 

At the age of 4-6 months, the puppy may appear to have been "half" successfully trained to urinate outside due to its ability to be easily diverted. He is likely to want to explore the world, which means chasing beetles might put him off urinating when you take him to his place. At this time, a 4-month-old puppy can withstand defecate for about 4 to 5 hours, while a 6-month-old puppy can withstand urinating for up to 6 or 7 hours.

When the dog reaches the age of 6-12 months, sexual maturity in the male dog can make it lift the legs and urinate on the household furniture, while the female dog can feel the arousal. The bladder can hold urine for 7 to 8 hours before having to urinate.

At 12-24 months of age, your puppy is likely immature, depending on the breed. Hopefully, you have successfully trained dogs to urinate long before this age, but if not, you can still do it, even for adult dogs. Although not impossible, training an older dog who has become accustomed to the wrong things requires more effort and patience from you than if you managed to train it as a child.

5. Pay attention to your dog breed. Larger dogs tend to be easier to train compared to smaller dogs. Smaller dogs need to urinate more often (because the digestive system is smaller). The smaller dog can also enter a hidden place to urinate, this place you may not know or cannot find until he or she is accustomed to urinating in the wrong way like this. Restrict your dog's access indoors to prevent this from happening.

6. Provide a cage. Just like humans, a puppy does not want to urinate near where it eats or sleeps. Training puppies in cages is a useful way to help train puppies to resist urination.  The cage will also provide security. When you are around him, open the cage door so that he can get in and out as needed. Put toys, food, and comfortable beds in the cage. This cage should be his preferred place, not a place of punishment for him.

Some dogs may want to go straight into the kennel, while others will need to be introduced gradually to get into the kennel. 

At some point in a dog's life, he may have to get into a cage. During the trip to the veterinarian, traveling, or to the dog salon requires him to enter the kennel. Getting used to the cage at a young age would be better.

Puppies under the age of 6 months should not be left in their cages for more than 3 to 4 hours regardless of holding the urination. Puppies of this age need to interact more. [9] If you have to work during the day, ask someone for help taking your puppy for a walk.

When you get home, after putting the puppy in a cage, you can immediately take it out and prevent it from urinating in the house.

7. Buy a cage of the right size. Provide a kennel insufficient size for your puppy to stand, spin, and lie down. The size should not be too large so that it can urinate in one corner and sleep in the other. The point is to use his natural instinct not to sleep in his own feces to help with the urination training process. If you've got a large puppy, there's a dog kennel designed to grow up adjusting your dog's body, so you don't have to spend a lot of money to buy a new kennel as the body gets bigger. If you don't have a cage, you can use a small part of your bathroom that is bordered by a baby protective fence. 

8. Specify a defecate area for your puppy before bringing it home. You may be able to use one of the areas in the backyard, near a pole that gives it protection from the wind, or another suitable spot in the park. No matter where you choose, decide well before bringing your puppy home. Do not convey inconsistent commands by moving the dog's urination while you determine the right place.

How To Train my Dog to Not Pee in House
How To Train my Dog to Not Pee in House

Establishing Habits to Train Dog to not Pee in House

1. Make a meal schedule. Applying a feeding schedule to your puppy can make your efforts to train them more successful. Puppies that are allowed to eat whenever they want will make it difficult for you to train them. In addition, creating a schedule to take your puppy out will also make this process easier for you. Always take the puppy out of the house within 15 to 20 minutes after eating.

2. Make a bowel schedule. The most important thing when training puppies (or dogs) to urinate is consistency. If you're consistent, and do the same and expect the same reaction every time you do it, your puppy will quickly understand it. On the other hand, changing your activities and expectations will make your puppy confused. Create predictable and consistent habits for your puppy. Take your puppy out:

When he wakes up in the morning -- or earlier if you've woken up before your puppy.

After each meal. Puppies will usually urinate within 20 minutes of eating.

After each time he took a nap.

After each play.

Before he went to bed at night. Puppies between 8 and 14 weeks old may need to urinate at night. Put the cage in your bedroom so you can hear it whimpering when you want to get out of the cage at night. Provide straps, slippers, and coats near you.

3. Start training your puppy right away. Once he is introduced to the new environment, give him a drink, and immediately take him out of the house to the place you have specified.

4. Watch the sign. Your puppy will probably begin to understand that he or she has to urinate outdoors before he understands how to tell you that he needs to urinate. Pay attention to the signs your puppy will urinate. Notice the sound of his barking, or his scratching on the door that you usually use to take him out, as he crouched, did not calm down and sniffed or swirled. [13] If you observe any of this behavior, especially if you have not taken him out of the house, then chances are it is time he had to urinate.

Create commands related to urination. In addition to providing a special place to urinate your puppy consistently, you may also need to make special commands for your puppy to urinate, such as "Pee", "Fast", or whatever you choose.

6. Use this single command consistently. Be sure to use only the commands associated with urinating. Use it every time you take her out of the house. This will help in the future, when traveling to visit friends/family, etc.

7. Praise your puppy as soon as he finishes urinating. In order for your puppy to associate praise with his behavior, praise him as soon as he is finished, before he re-enters the house.

Give him credit after he's done and doesn't interfere with the "flow" of his urination. Some puppies are so sensitive that they can stop urinating if you compliment them too quickly. He might think that you just want him to crouch down to get food. Time to give compliments is very important in training your puppy.

Remember that freedom is a gift for your puppy too. Play around after he urinates. Don't make a puppy think that his fun is over once he's done urinating. You need to keep asking her to play so that your puppy will immediately urinate and start playing around. 

8. Help force the right habits without punishing or scolding. Whenever you take the puppy out, if he urinates within 3-5 minutes, give him credit and place him around the cage so he can be freer. If he does not urinate within 3-5 minutes, put him in the cage, and close the door. Leave him in the cage for 15-20 minutes and stay nearby. After a short wait, take the puppy out again, if he urinates, gives him the freedom to play in the wider area. If he does not urinate too, then return it to the cage.

Your puppy will complain and not get into the kennel, so by paying attention, you can impose the correct behavior. That is, by giving more reward and freedom if the puppy exhibits the right behavior.

9. Engage everyone. If you live alone with puppies only, this step will be easy to do. If your puppy lives at home with more than one person, make sure everyone is involved so that the exercise process is quick and easy. If everyone adheres to the exercise plan, the progress of the exercise will be faster.

10. Remove your puppy's drinking water in the early evening. About 2.5 hours before bedtime, take out your puppy's drinking water bowl. This is to help ensure that the last puppy urinates before going to bed enough for the night. Most puppies can sleep for 7 hours without urinating, so if you take out their drinking water long before bed, your puppy should wet less frequently. 

If the puppy wakes you up at night because he has to urinate, take him directly to the urination area. If you turn on a lot of lights or invite him to play even a little bit, he'll think it's time to play and assume he can wake you up at night to play, rather than urinate. Immediately take him out, and then return him to his bed.

11. Immediately clean the fallen dirt cleanly. Wooden floors and tiles can be wiped and sprayed with disinfectants. Carpets need to be cleaned with carpet cleaners. This step is probably the most important step since dogs have strong olfactory abilities. If he can still smell his urine or stool, he will continue to urinate in the same place. This is also the reason why dogs should remain tied up indoors for several months, before allowing them to play throughout the house.

Many people buy cleaning products in supermarkets. Many of these products contain ammonia. Ammonia has a urine-like smell for your dog. So if your dog urinates on the carpet and you clean it with a product containing ammonia, it will come back again the same place, and think that another dog has urinated there. Your dog will urinate again in the same place to mask its smell.

Animal excrement cleaning products contain a special enzyme that removes the smell of urine that lures the puppy back to the same place. This product can be purchased at pet stores, online, veterinarians, and supermarkets. This product is the most effective product to "eliminate" the smell, not just cover it. 

Some people say that white vinegar distillation and water, then followed by baking soda is also beneficial to eliminate odors.

Giving Unattended Time

1. Limit your puppy at first. Try to train the puppy as best he can and reduce the likelihood of him mitigating using cages, fences, protectors, and leash to control areas your puppy can explore.

The area surrounding the enclosure should not be larger than 1.2 - 1.8 m if your puppy is small. The area around the cage will increase gradually as the dog is successfully trained, and the body is larger. The more your dog is able to control his desire to urinate, the wider the "freedom" he gets.

2. Leave your puppy free in the house while wearing a short leash under your supervision. Give it a long time if you're sure he'll take you out when he has to pee. This strategy should not take more than 2 weeks to understand.

3. Don't be surprised by the "setback" of exercise. Your puppy may return to urinating in the house once you consider it successfully trained. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as sexual maturity, changes in habits, excessive curiosity trumps the desire to urinate in normal times, etc. Re-do consistent habits when training your puppy. He will soon begin to obey the habit again. 

4. Provide an exit for your puppy. Dog doors can be used if your home is surrounded by appropriate fences (fences that can't be climbed or climbed by dogs from underneath), as well as gates. Even if you have a suitable fence, pay attention to wild animals around the house that may prey on your puppy, such as coyotes, etc.

Don't leave your dog outside unattended for long.

5. Give the newspaper as a layer for your puppy to use. If you don't have a backyard or someone you can ask to take her out while you work, you can still use the practice of using a newspaper to train her to urinate at a certain point in the house. Use this way as a backup plan if he has to urinate and can't wait for you to come home. Place a newspaper or small box that the puppy can reach in a place that smells of urine or feces beforehand, you can put the wipes you use to clean the dog poo into the box.

Some people assume that giving a layer of newspaper makes dogs think urinating in the house is permissible. So they banned the use of newspapers like this and cleaned up all the rest of the dirt. All dog owners should start at some point. If this means cleaning up some aging droppings, then that's best for your dog and family.

The use of newspapers like this may slightly delay the puppy's exercise process, but if you gradually reduce the size of the newspaper-coated, and clean the dirt elsewhere thoroughly, you will still succeed. All you have to do is give the puppy a narrower limit to explore in the house.

Ask someone to take care of your puppy. If you are traveling, ask someone to look after your puppy. If you live with family or friends, ask them to look after your puppy. If your whole family is leaving, ask someone who can take care of the dog to look after it. Give me your schedule, the bed, the food, etc. You can also enter it into a veterinary clinic that receives veterinary care while you are away.

Remember, if your puppy is "forced" to urinate in the kennel in accordance with the rules at the veterinary clinic, you may have to repeat the puppy's exercise process. Both of these options have flaws and advantages that you need to consider according to your condition.

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