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How to Train Cat To Do Tricks

How to Train Cat To Do Tricks

Be Patient, Easy Ways to Train Cats at Home to Be Obedient

With patience, cats can obey!

Some people like to compare cats and dogs. He said cats are not as squealy and obedient as dogs, they tend to be careless. Is that true?

In fact, owners can train cats to be submissive, really. You just have to prepare patience and consistency to train a cat. 

How to Train Cat To Do Tricks

          How to Train Cat To Do Tricks

How to Train a Cat?

Let's try this trick at home!

1. Train from the kitten

Train your cat as early as possible so that it can learn and respect boundaries. Surely, you don't want to have a cat that likes to tear up trash cans, claw at sofas, or constantly jump on tables and sleep on your laptop, right?

According to Hill's Pet page, training cats early on is useful for teaching good social skills and behaviors, strengthening bonding with their owners, and keeping their minds and bodies active.

The Pet Life Today page recommends starting to train your kitten from 2 weeks of age. Or after the kitten can walk steadily and no longer stagger.

2. Prepare snacks, toys, or catnip as gifts

Before you start training, first prepare your favorite snack, catnip, or toy. Give this as a gift for being well behaved. In addition, this can keep the cat focused and temporarily untractiond.

You can give snacks in the form of creamy treats or solids such as dry food. For toys, give the toy from the fur tied with a rope so that it actively moves. For catnip, the effect can only be felt by cats when they are 3-6 months old. That, too, should only be given in small quantities.

3. It is not recommended to give punishment

Unlike dogs, cats do not understand or respond well to punishment. Instead, punishment can make them run away and hide from us. In fact, punishment can be stressful for cats, you know!

"The Daily Cat App page" does not advocate punishing by shouting loudly or hitting their noses. This can scare the cat and lose faith in us.

Solution? Encouraging good behavior with rewards is far more effective than punishment, advises Hill's Pet page. This gift can be his favorite snack, a compliment. In this way, the cat will associate positive behavior with reward returns.

4. Use a "clicker" to train your cat

Just like dogs, we can use clickers to train cats. The clicker is an award-based exercise. Each "click" sound should be followed by a gift to the cat. How is it implemented?

For example, if we want to teach a cat to sit down, click the clicker as soon as it sits down and give it a small snack to appreciate its efforts, explained hill's Pet page. If done over and over again, the cat will associate the "click" sound with behavior and rewards.

5. Make the training session as short as possible

It is advisable to make a short training session as the cat has a short attention span and quickly gets bored. Just focus on one command at a time, then move on to the next when the cat has mastered the first command, the Hill's Pet page advises.

Purina, a company that produces animal food, recommends that exercise sessions take no more than 15 minutes to keep cats from getting bored and tired. To be effective, practice commands in different areas of the house so that your cat gets used to responding to us in different situations.

6. Teach also to obey the urination in the litter box

Compliance training also includes teaching cats to urinate in litter boxes. First, provide a box of sand and adjust its size to your cat's body. Then put it in a quiet place and easily accessible to cats, suggested the Pet Life Today page.

Then, put the cat in a litter box every time it wakes up or after eating. Eventually, the cat will understand that the box is his personal "toilet." And do not forget to clean the sand, at least twice a week.

7. Don't forget to stroke it to increase emotional closeness

Here's a way how to train a cat to do tricks

1. Use favorite food treats. Training cats is slightly different from training dogs; to train a cat to do tricks, you must appreciate its independence and have a strong reason for it to obey. Dry food is less tempting for him, so is excessive praise - cats aren't particularly interested in compliments, unlike dogs. The trick is to use quality gifts such as catnip, fresh chicken pieces, or tuna.

Training a cat to do tricks

2. Make sure your cat is interested. Before you start training a cat to do tricks, make sure he knows that you're trying to teach him something. Get the ready list of cat tricks, and try one of them. For example, tricks on how to teach a cat to lay down. Do it patiently until the cat mastered the trick, you can try new tricks.

Hold the snack in front of the cat's nose so that he understands that there are gifts that may be waiting for him.

Move the snack in your hands up and behind his head slowly. Continue doing this until the cat holds its head and sits down.

Praise the cat and give him a snack as soon as he completes the "trick" of sitting down

Commands how to teach your cat

3. You should know commands on how to teach your cat. Try using a clicker. If you don't have a clicker, you can use a press ballpoint pen to create a similar sound. Give the cat a snack every time you use a clicker so that he or she is used to connecting his voice with the snack. Then, use clickers and rewards every time a cat masters a new trick, such as chasing a stick you throw. In the end, the cat will respond every time you throw a stick and click the clicker. 

4. Keep play sessions and exercises short. Remember, your cat will become tired. Prepare play and exercise sessions for about 15 minutes, once or twice each day. 

5. Respect a cat. As a cat owner, you may know your cat's unique personality and its independent nature. Never force a cat to perform tricks it doesn't want to do. Some cats will happily learn to use the toilet and flush it, or perch on your shoulder as you walk around the house, while others don't want to be bothered or touched. Learn how to live with your cat so that you are mutually beneficial in relationships developed in a special way.

How to Train Cat To Do Tricks
How to Train Cat To Do Tricks

Tips How To Train a cat

Don't over-reward snacks. This can cause him to become too accustomed to wiping, making snacks useless to use as gifts. Excessive wiping can also cause your cat to be overweight, which can trigger serious health problems.

Kittens are easier to train, but adult cats can still be trained.

Prepare snacks your cat likes.

Once the cat is doing something you like, make sure you complement it and give him a snack!

List of  cat tricks

Some of the tricks taught to other cats: How to train a cat to sit, How to train a cat to use a litter box, etc

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