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5 Pillars of Islam List

 5 Pillars of Islam List

What are the pillars of Islam?-Before entering into any of the 5 pillars of Islam, we will retreat for a moment in the time before the arrival of Islam. Basically the history of Islam is the continuation of the story and history of Noah and Ibrahim, Moses until Jesus who brought the teachings of the one God or monotheism. Likewise, the Prophet Muhammad is the messenger of the messenger of the relay treatise from God, namely the teachings of monotheism itself. In Islam is always instilled in the self or commonly called the pillars of faith or 6 pillars of faith, namely believing in God, believing in the Prophet, believing in the scriptures, believing in angels, believing in the Last Day and believing in destiny.

5 pillars of Islam list

Shahada is the first pillar of Islam. In terms of believing the prophet, Islam must believe the Prophet who existed before the Prophet Muhammad, including the Prophet Ibrahim, Moses and Jesus and 25 Prophets mentioned in the Quran. Well, for the Pillars of Faith we discussed next time yes 😊

OK, a little story of the Prophet Muhammad was born from a mother named Aminah and father named Abdullah who if pulled up will reach the Prophet Ismail son of The Prophet Ibrahim.

Muhammad became a Prophet at the age of 40 years, when the Angel Gabriel brought revelation from God to make Muhammad as a Prophet, the messenger of God to improve people's lives at that time. The angel Gabriel met Muhammad in the Cave of Hira'. Ya Muhammad who was then a trader, often spent time in the cave hira to reflect on the life of the community at that time, which in Islam called the time of "jahiliyah" that is the time where the dark life because many people who actually worship the Statue and make it God. The life is much different from the teachings of Ibrahim, Moses and Jesus and the Prophet before him.

5 Pillars of Islam List
               Shahada,"laa ilaaha illallaahu muhammadar rosuulullah

In essence, Islam is what we call a religion that reforms everything—like Jesus and Moses—that seeks to restore Ibrahim's monotheism after what they consider to be perverts, as well as Muhammad. Muslims believe that God sent Muhammad as the last prophet to bring people back to the only true religion, which involves worship, and submission to, one and God almighty. The Quran also recognizes Ibrahim and Moses and Jesus among others as prophets, but it is very different from the Hebrew and Christian Bibles: For one thing it is much less narrative explanation, but also a written record of the revelation received by the Prophet Muhammad—meaning it is not written from the point of view of the person, it is seen as the true Revelation of God

 List of 5 Pillars of Islam

Islam is based on five principles known as the five pillars or "Pillars of Islam". Pillars of Islam is a pillar he can not be left in all conditions, while the law be allowed when the condition forgets, for example forget to say bismillah and part of it. But if getting along is the main thing, a Muslim must adhere to the 5 pillars of Islam, 5 pillars of Islam should not be tiggalkan for any reason, a necessity that can not be replaced with another. And they are five obligations for Muslims to live a good and responsible life. The Quran presents them as a frame of words for worship and a sign of commitment to their faith. This time we will describe the list of five pillars of Islam or commonly called Rukun Islam so that you can more easily understand it. Especially for people who may want to learn more about religion, in order to gain a better understanding, or people who do not yet know the religion of Islam who may not even understand what these pillars are.

The first pillar is, "Shahada" or confession or testimony. The most basic requirement to be Muslim, is to publicly state the words, "There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah" in Arabic. And this must be said sincerely and without hesitation. To become a Muslim, a Non-Muslim must repeat the Shahada, three times before the witnesses.

Islamic Prayer times

Now the second pillar of Islam is "Prayer" or prayer with which accompanied by the same and orderly ritual movement. Prayer refers to the obligatory prayer performed five times a day by Muslims. And I want to describe what are the five times prayer is Subhuh, Dhuhur, Asr , Maghrib and isha. Where the time and method are determined. So these prayers serve as public evidence for the devotion of believers to Islam. Prayers are usually led by someone who knows the Quran very well and is generally chosen by worshippers but this does not mean that it is necessary to attend the Mosque to pray. Muslims can pray anywhere and these prayers are done at dawn, also at noon and there is one in the afternoon, one at sunset and another at night. And one thing to know is that these prayers contain verses from the Quran and are said in Arabic and these prayers should be done in the direction of Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

Now if you are not Muslim, you may have seen or heard of one of your Muslim friends fasting. Now that's one of the third pillars and it's called "Sawn' or fasting. Fasting is refraining from eating and drinking and there are things that break the fast between other sex during the day or should not lie. During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims are expected to fast from dawn to sunset. They should not eat food or drink or have sexual intercourse with their partner or other important person. Now sick people, the elderly and women who are menstruating or even pregnant and breastfeeding, are allowed to break the fast or not fast as long as they change the same number of days of the year. Although fasting is beneficial for health, supporters of the Quran fasting is a method of self-purification and self-control. To seek closeness with God, be patient also to learn the difficulties faced by the less fortunate.

What Zakat in Islam

Now the pillar of Islam four is "Zakat" and it refers to charity or charitable giving. Every Muslim is obliged to pay zakat, i.e. distribute some of his wealth for the benefit of the poor in need. This amount is generally said to be 2.5% of the value of all assets or returns held. Zakat there are two mandatory zakat intended for a Muslim who runs the third pillar of Islam, namely Fasting in the month of Ramadan (hijri month) and the second mal zakat that is zakat for a number of treasures after Jumalah reaches a certain limit. All that to feed the poor or to support those who devote themselves to the work of Islam and every other suitable cause.

Now if you are not Muslim, you may have seen or heard of one of your Muslim friends fasting. Now that's one of the third pillars and it's called "Sawn' or fasting. Fasting is refraining from eating and drinking and there are things that break the fast between other sex during the day or should not lie. During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims are expected to fast from dawn to sunset. They should not eat food or drink or have sexual intercourse with their partner or other important person. Now sick people, the elderly and women who are menstruating or even pregnant and breastfeeding, are allowed to break the fast or not fast as long as they change the same number of days of the year. Although fasting is beneficial for health, supporters of the Quran fasting is a method of self-purification and self-control. To seek closeness with God, be patient also to learn the difficulties faced by the less fortunate.

And the last pillar is perhaps the most epic and exciting, namely "Hajj" or pilgrimage. A pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, is an obligation for those who physically and financially can do so. Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam with certain ordinances and times. After all, there are over 2 million people who go to Mecca every year from all over the world. The annual Hajj begins the 12th month of the Islamic lunar calendar. Now hajj rights include, touring around the Kaaba seven times and going seven times between the hills of Safa and Marwa as hagar who had given birth to The Prophet Ibrahim's son, Ishmel, during his search for water.

So that's the five pillars of Islam,

May God bless us all.

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