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Islamic Teachings and Beliefs: The Main Source of Islam

Islamic Teachings and Beliefs: The Main Source of Islam

The main source of Islamic teachings that become the guidance of life for its adherents- As a follower of Islam all things that are living life, ways of worship, the rule of law and so on have been regulated in such a way. Guidance as a guide to life in the form of the word of Allah and tauladan the Prophets and Apostles as the main source of Islamic teachings. 

Muslims understand that in the process of living life, applying the rules and procedures of worship even if it has a source that comes from a book. Muslims know the Qur'an, Al-Hadith and Ijtihad. Through these sources can be a guide to life for humans.

The Main Source of Islamic Teachings of the Qur'an

The highest book and is the most important guide in the lives of all human beings, especially Muslims. Present in the form of Qara'a or Yaqra'u most importantly called the Qur'an which means reading. In it contains the words of Allah and is a miracle of the Prophet Muhammad. 

Arranged in the form of a solid ("mushaf") and then narrated through generations but still maintained its authenticity until the future. The Qur'an is revealed through stages with a period of 23 years. For 13 years pre Hijrah until 10 years after Hijrah.

Some Virtues of the Qur'an

The decline of god's words is not without a clear reason. But at the time warned or gave an example that there were acts prohibited and allowed to be done. So, what are the priorities?

As a Guide (Al-Huda) 

The Qur'an as a book is positioned as a guide. There are three guidelines for all mankind, and the godfearing, and the light of the way for the believers. As the Muslim scriptures contain a variety of rules clearly and can be applied in life.

So that mankind may be directed according to the law of their Lord, so that they may not be lost. In addition, the guidelines of life set forth in the Qur'an are the main sources of Islamic teachings. 

As Medicine (Al-Asyifa)

Each drug serves to relieve the disease suffered by a person. But in treating liver diseases such as envy, spite, hasad and ujub have their own cures. If the Qur'an is read properly and earnestly all of the above liver diseases can be eliminated.

Although this book is seen as readable writing, the meaning it contains is very large. Mental illness is filled with worldly affairs and never-before-seen problems. It would be wise if you want to read the Qur'an in order to give a feeling of calm and tawaduk.

As Advice (Al-Mau'izah)

In this Book of Muslims contains a lot of advice, good teachings and warnings about the lives of all mankind. The advice written in the Quran is generally related to an event or event and any reward is given to the violators. 

Advice is guiding so that people can be directed as best as possible, because it has the mind to understand why it is recommended and the virtue of obeying it. God knows what is in the heavens and what is in the earth.

As it is known that the Qur'an covers many things related to the creation of His creatures. Contains rules that guide mankind so as not to stray from the instructions. For every deed will reap the rewards and consequences. Some of the ingredients in the Qur'an include:

The principles of faith in Allah, the angels, the books of God, the apostles, the Day of Resurrection, and Qadha and Qadar. 

Shariah concepts include worship in general as well as special worship, such as government, marriage, economy, common interests and so on.

The likeness of those who were before them is as the likeness of the prophets and the Messengers.

The source of science related to the Godhead, religion, His creatures and the universe.

And those who believe and do good works, theirs shall be a severe punishment. 

The Qur'an also contains the names of men with commendable attitudes, surges, hell, angels with their respective duties and explaining the location or place and historical events (as a concrete proof of god's power). 

Main Source of Islamic Teachings Al-Hadith (Sunnah )

Hadith is the next guide to human life that needs to be obeyed and obeyed. Contains various news, all narrations, deeds, takrir and words of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Etymologically has the meaning of customs, laws, and customs as ever done. 

Al-Hadith is the second source of law after the Qur'an provides a more specific explanation related to the ordinances, deeds, and rules that have been done by the Messenger of Allah. 

As a legal source for Muslims, the Sunnah of the Apostle provides specific guidelines related to the procedures for performing prayers, giving zakat, hajj, fasting and so on. Because the Qur'an is global and the explanation in general, from here hadith gives an important role. 

The next function is to provide the procedure of interpreting the verses contained in the Qur'an, according to guidance and can be accounted for in order to avoid the occurrence of subjective interpretation. In addition, as followers of the Prophet and His Messenger, Muslims can exemplify the deeds of the praiseworthy. 

Al-Hadith contains rules that are not explained specifically in the Qur'an, such as addressing technical problems in the lives of Muslims. For example, zakat measure is explained in detail as it has been said or applied directly by the Prophet. 

Islamic Teachings and Beliefs
Quran with Ka'bah 

The Main Source of Ijtihad Islamic Teachings 

"Ijtihad" is a form of seriousness of effort carried out by some scholars. This source has certain criteria and requirements when applying legal clarity. It can also be related to a certain condition or conditions, but has not been specified specifically in the Qur'an and Al-Hadith.

In this case the scholars use a way of thinking qualified in giving decisions against a law. In addition, it also plays a role in interpreting and drawing conclusions from a verse of the Qur'an and al-Hadith. This can be seen like a fatwa that was once initiated by mui. 

Ijtihad is the third main source of Islamic rule and is different from the Qur'an and Al-Hadith as the highest level and bound by the following conditions:

Decisions made through Ijtihad are not absolute decisions. Because it is still human thought by connecting with an event or event as sourced from the Qur'an and Al-Hadith. Its nature is relatively the same as the decision of Ijtihad.

Decisions made through Ijtihad can apply specifically to a person only, or someone else with the criteria mentioned. It also applies at a time, place and circumstances are very devoted.

The nature of the decision through the results of ijtihad does not conflict with the Qur'an and al-Hadith. 

Ijtihad can not be applied in mahdah worship which is clearly provisions.

Consider the factors of general benefit, motivation, common interests and values in line with islamic teachings.

Such are some studies related to the main source of Islamic teachings that provide a way out in general to human life as a whole and especially to Muslims as it believes in God, the Prophet and the Messenger. 

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