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Introvert with Anxiety, Here It Is the Difference

Social Anxiety vs Introvert? Here It Is the Difference

Are you an introvert or a person with social anxiety? Sometimes, anxiety is often felt for you who have a passive nature in the social environment. Some people think that they are introverts when in fact they experience social anxiety. So what exactly is social anxiety introvert? Actually, introverts and social anxiety are different. What is the difference between introverts and social anxiety?
Are you afraid of being the subject of other people's attention? Or are you afraid to speak in front of many people? Could you ever feel that you need more time alone? Or are you always anxious about other people's evaluations of you?
Introvert with Anxiety
Introvert with Anxiety

Introverts with Anxiety
Introverts are the very opposite of shame and social anxiety. Shame influences the way a person interacts socially, and introverts are energy that cannot be separated from certain people. Introverts are gained through time spent alone, while extroverts get energy from interacting with others. An introvert always removes his social stimulants to stay energized and happy, and usually, introverts get tired easily when socializing.
An introvert may reject a party invitation, but someone with social anxiety will feel disappointed in himself, worrying about what people will think about their absence at the event.
Introvert is a trait, from an innate personality. But, people with social anxiety are formed not from innate, but many factors that influence it, including the environment and thinking.

Is Social Anxiety a Mental illness?
Symptoms of social anxiety are different from an introvert. Social anxiety raises a lot of fear, discomfort, self-criticism, and self-awareness in social situations. Social anxiety is also known as social phobia, which is fear, shame, or humiliation in social situations. At this point, people with social anxiety tend to avoid the situation, or bear it with a heavy burden, leading to depression, as the Social Anxiety Institute says.
Social anxiety is a terrible mental disorder, because basically, we are social beings. So, how do you know if someone has social anxiety? To find out whether someone has to get professional support or not.
Below are some things related to social anxiety:
         Characterized by fear or anxiety about one or more social situations where someone is afraid of being watched and judged by others. Usually, these symptoms last for 6 months or more.
         Fear of acting or doing something because of anxiety if evaluated negatively by others. In children, anxiety occurs when children are among their peers and not only occur in adults.
         In social situations are always haunted by fear and anxiety.
         Avoiding social situations or experiencing intense fear.
         The fear or anxiety that is thought is not in accordance with the actual reality.
If you feel these symptoms, it's important to remember that you are not alone. And you can entrust the closest person or consult with more professionals.
So keep in mind that introverts and social anxiety are two different things. An Introvert is a person's personality, while social anxiety is a mental disorder faced by someone.

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